I think most developers would agree that any Internet browser’s better than IE. I might be wrong, but actually, I have clients, such as accountants and sports coaches who have moved on to other options for preference. I personally moved onto Mozilla Firefox quite early in its life, perhaps some ten years ago and found it much more forgiving than previous browser options. So why am I moving away from it now? Read on…
Before I start to tell you why I’ve lost faith with Mozilla, I’d like to point out that I’d really like to carry on with them. As a web developer, I regularly use many different browsers in order to test that web applications run and render correctly no matter how they’re being viewed. Generally this includes Firefox, Chrome, IE, Opera and Safari, as well as some other, more left-field affairs, such as Lunascape, SRWare Iron, Avant and K-Meleon. Firefox has for years though been my primary browsing tool.
This week, I changed my default browser to Chrome!
No?! Why? Well, a few things began to work incorrectly. Not huge things, but enough to disrupt my patterns; Stumble Upon would’t let me log in on Firefox, Some of WordPress’s theme drag and drop options wouldn’t stick, and a few other annoying little things. If fact, so many annoying little things, that I actually made the momentous decision this week to change my default browser to Google Chrome. I’m not massively fond of Chrome (and even less so of the lowering Google), but it’s the next best thing.
I tried to tell Mozilla, but couldn’t find a way!
“I know”, I thought, “I’ll tell those lovely people at Mozilla what my problems are, and no doubt they’ll be logged and addressed.” But when I looked for an email address, or a chat link, or a phone number, or a pigeon, I’m afraid I came up with a blank. I’m not even sure that I’d have found anything if I’d looked for longer than the twenty minutes or so that I did. Is it policy now not to listen to your customers? Maybe it’s dead obvious where to find these contact details, and please tell me if you find them, because I’d like to remain a Firefoxer!
Chris Gray