Practice What You Preach!

I recently had a meeting with a potential client who has since turned into a full-blown follower of TrainStorm Media – Halleluiah!! During the course of that preliminary meeting I stated the importance of asking for and acquiring LinkedIn recommendations. She...

Hacking the Web

What do you do if someone actively breaks your product? Sue them? Reward them? George Hotz received both of these reactions from Sony and Google respectively. There have been many infamous techno-crooks over the years, from Kevin Mitnick’s phone phreaking antics to...

Technical or Lay? Addressing an Audience

The thought of attending networking events usually fills me with mild dread, wondering whether all other attendees will be everyone-else-knowing veterans, thus setting me out as a must-not-be-allowed-in outsider. Even though I’m relatively chatty, I’m a polite type of...


How Using Facebook Could Inadvertently be Upsetting Your Friends It’s easy to see how you could advertently upset people by misusing (or using if you’re that way inclined) the features made available by Facebook. There was also always a chance that you could do this...

Look Over Your Shoulder Facebook

Did anyone ever imagine a day when the mighty Facebook might be threatened? But they must feel that they are! Their potential younger audience is being inveigled by the likes of Instagram and SnapChat, and Google are pressing for the rest of it. But Facebook saw off...