Where does the Time Go?

Where does the time go? Not to all the things that we’d like, that’s for sure. Personally, we’ve been meaning to get back into the habit of writing these blog posts on a regular basis. Unfortunately (or fortunately I suppose) we’re so busy...

Digital Immortality – Are You In?

Could you imagine what it’d be like to have the body of a robot? Well if you can keep body and mind together for another thirty years or so you might get the chance to find out. According to Ray Kurzweil, Google’s director of engineering, a human’s entire mind could...

Pinterested in Business?

What an odd title. Or is it a typo? No. Neither really. I’ve just found out that the image sharing platform, Pinterest is now offering its services to businesses as well as individuals. A little late, I know, as this service popped up late last year, but this...