Networking. Love it or hate it, or think that you hate it and realise that you don’t actually hate it that much at all!
I’ve recently started attending a very good networking event. The “We Mean Business” get-togethers at Bailiff Bridge in Yorkshire are extremely well organised. Everybody who attends feels part of the set-up, which is unfortunately not the norm in my experience.
Before I started taking part in these events, I felt general reluctance about networking. Previously they felt a little false, and if you weren’t part of the set up from the beginning, it could be somewhat isolating if you’re not too extravert. The We Mean Business method involves a natural, almost organic approach, where people are introduced to others on very level ground.
At the last meeting, the speaker, Jannine Oates of Inspirit spoke of “swallowing frogs”, referring to the habit of procrastinating, or delaying what needs to be done, perhaps due to a reluctance to do it. Networking used to be one of my frogs! Now, rather than the usual disinclination that I felt prior to a networking session, I actually look forward to them. I love it! Can’t wait for the next one. Give me a nod if you want details, and I’ll pass you on to the organisers.
Chris Gray
Tell me if you’re interested in the We Mean Business networking events, or anything else to be honest:
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